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COVID-19 Update 

With New Zealand opening back up, so are we!

We are pleased to announce that at orange setting we are now open for bookings and The Due Drop Events Centre can now officially host events of any size!


The iconic event centre has three separate venues: the Sir Noel Robinson Conference Centre, the Sir Woolf Fisher Arena and the BNZ Theatre. Each venue can be accessed through different gates, and they have their own building entrances, toilets, and parking lots. They can be closed off from other gatherings to ensure guest safety. Read more about how you can host your next event at the Events Centre while we keep you and your event safe during Alert Level 2 HERE. 



Our Events Team are working either remotely from home or in the office and are still actively working on enquiries, bookings and future events. If you would like to know more about what these restrictions include or are interested in booking, you may contact us at or 09 976 7777.


If you are an event organiser, your Venue Coordinator assigned to you is still reachable via email and phone.


​The current measures in place to limit the transmission of COVID-19 have disrupted many events at the Due Drop Events Centre. For ticket holders, please contact the event organisers to enquire if the event is postponed or cancelled, while we will update our Facebook page once we have information. For refunds and other options, you will need to email Eventfinda through their contact page here.


We understand this is a difficult time for everyone so we ask you all to keep safe and stay strong, follow all government and health advisory and let's be kind to one another.


Together, we've got this. Kia kaha.


The Events Centre Team



Protect yourself and others against COVID-19

- Cover your coughs or sneezes with tissues or your elbow.

- Put your used tissue in the rubbish bin or in a plastic bag.

- Wash and dry your hands often, especially after coughing or sneezing - use soap or hand sanitiser.

- Stay away from others if you're unwell.

Who should self-isolate?

- If you arrived in New Zealand from any country (except the Pacific Island countries listed in Category 2) prior to 1:00am on Monday 16 March you should self-isolate from the date of departure for 14 days. Voluntary registration is available at

- If you feel unwell please call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 (+64 9 358 5453 for international SIMs). 

- If you have any difficulties accessing the online registration you can also register by phoning Healthline on 0800 358 5453.


- If you arrived in New Zealand after 1:00 am on Monday 16 March from any country (except those listed on the countries and areas of concern under Category 2) you will need to self-isolate for 14 days.


- If you have been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19 you will need to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of contact.


Waka Pacific Trust is the proud custodian of The Due Drop Events Centre and Vector Wero Whitewater Park on behalf of the community.

© 2024 Due Drop Events Centre.   770 Great South Road, Manukau 2104    Phone (09) 976 7777

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