Welcome to the largest free schools programme for arts learning experiences
The Due Drop Events Centre Schools Programme is New Zealand’s largest free schools programme for arts education by a venue. The multi-disciplinary programme offers arts learning experiences in dance, drama, music and visual arts all year round and is an official provider of the Ministry of Education’s Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC).
The Schools Programme is made up of three streams:
Students participate in authentic learning experiences in a professional performing arts environment that cannot be replicated in the classroom. Arts-based programmes are offered to year 1-13 students and are in line with the New Zealand Ministry of Education’s Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom (LEOTC) programme to complement and enrich school based learning. All programmes in the Experience Stream are free.
The Intensive Stream is comprised of Schools Programme initiatives developed in partnership with professional arts practitioners, educators and arts organisations. It offers inspirational and empowering opportunities to students and teachers, with workshops held within the school environment for an extended period of time leading to a showcase event in the venue’s theatre.
With the support of our sponsors, the Access Stream provides opportunities for schools to attend these events for free or with student ticket prices. Teachers may also link these events to school curriculum and access teachers resources, if available, for further exploration and enhancement of creative thinking.